Gieve Draper
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An Example of a Music Lesson Plan


Record of Assessment

Class Level: Level 2 Year: 3 Duration: 40 mins

Song/vocal piece selected: Get you moving 2

Achievement Objectives: Resources/Equipment
  • Students will identify through focused listening and explore, the musical elements of beat, rhythm, pitch, tempo, dynamics and tone colour (L2, PK)
  • Students will share music making with others, using basic performance skills and techniques, and respond to live or recorded knowledge (L2 CI)
  • Beat Circles (2)
    Rhythm cards (8)
    Song Chart
    Untuned percussion instruments (1 per child)
    Song on CD & CD player
    Sheet of Music (OHT)
    Guitar (for teacher)
    S. Davies. (1994). Bop in the Bath. Teacher and Caregivers Book. Two up Music Education. Melbourne. Pg 34.

Learning Outcomes:

  • Beat - The children will be able to play and maintain steady beats in response to given sources of motivation with physical co-ordination - Strand: Practical Knowledge
  • Rhythmic Pattern -The children will be able to read then clap and play on their instrument a rhythmic pattern (using the rhythm cards and beat circles) - Strand: Practical Knowledge
  • Vocal - The children will be able to learn about present a song. They will follow the right pitch and expression using the teacher's conductor gestures as a guide - Strand: Practical Knowledge
Teaching Sequence: Teaching Strategies:
Introduction/Warm Up
Definition of the beat. How do we find the beat?
Why is the beat important?
Keeps the timing in music together. Remains constant and doesn't change. Ask children to think about the ticking of a clock. Children clap the beat of a music sample played by the teacher on the guitar.
Definition of rhythm. What is the different between beat and rhythm? Explain it's the timing of singing or instruments and the beat acts as a guide.

What is pitch?
Why is the pitch important?

  • Model: play beat with the guitar, sing the rhythm.
    The Notes of the song we sing/play. High/low
  • Model: Sing the scale of pitch and use hands to show the steps (e.g. la la la la)
  • Ask the children to sing the scale with the teacher, still using signals as a guide
  • Model: Bad singing to show that pitch is important
Recap on what beat is Remind children that the beat doesn't change, even when they can't hear it.
  • Model: Explore different possibilities of the speed of beat (fast slow) on the guitar.
  • Use beat circles by clapping then using instruments. Slow the speed down then speed it up when they become more confident.
Return to rhythm work Rhythm needs the beat to keep in time.
  • Work through the rhythm cards by echoing and count aloud to keep the beat. If there is difficulty slow the beat down.
  • Split the group in half. Have one group playing the beat and the other the rhythm. Have the children sit in their group sp they don't get distracted. Teacher counts aloud and children play all the different rhythm cards.
  • Repeat but with instruments. Cards in different order
Work on pitch
  • Singing the right notes (reminder - breathing)
  • Model: Teacher uses the guitar to demonstrate singing the right note. Children echo the correct notes.
  • Recap on singing the scale "la la la". Use hand signals as a guide.
  • Sing the scale and jump in notes. Use echoing method and hand signals.
Teaching the song
  • Put song up on the OHP and play it.
    The children follow the words just by watching.
  • Ask the children to identify the beat. Children have turns at identifying a rhythm. Repeat music if they need it.
  • Mark on OHT where to pause and take a breath.
    Also mark where to hold notes (minums).
  • Sing through first verse. Pause to focus of difficult (rhythm, high/low notes)
Play instruments and sing the song without music
  • Swap beat and rhythm groups from previous and play. If needed use rhythm cards from the song. Remind children about not speeding up the beat and consistency.
  • Children work through the other 2 verses. Tell the children its their final 'good performance'. Remind the children about expression and smile!
  • Give children positive feedback and something to work on next time.
Review - check if the learning outcomes have been achieved by checking the knowledge of theory and practice.
  • What is beat? What is rhythm? What is the difference?
  • Teacher plays different beats and ask the children to echo the beat back.
  • The Teacher asks the children to clap their favourite rhythm pattern from the song.

Extension work
Introduce the musical song sheet on the OHP. Children learn how to determine the beat (time signature). Teachers claps rhythm patterns and children identify them from the OHT. Children identify on the OHT where there is a 'jump' in the pitch. Perhaps try singing the song in a different pitch.

  • Teacher's fills a 'record of assessment' sheet and circles a letter which represents the level of skill.
  • The teacher could also record the skills learnt by observing the children's performances.
  • The children fill out a self-assessment sheet which the teacher keeps.
  • Was the lesson challenging? Too easy? (an appropriate level)
  • Was the lesson less structures? Was time management an issue?
  • Was there a balance of teacher talk/practice and children talk/practice?
  • Was there enough questioning?




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