Maori Teaching Projects and Resources

Here are some commom vocabulary and phrases that are commonly used in the classroom.


Nau mai!/Haere mai! Welcome!
Tēnā koe Hello to one person
Tēnā kōrua Hello to two people
Tēnā koutou Hello to more than two people
Kia ora Hi!
Ata mārie Good morning
Ahiahi mārie Good afternoon
Pō mārie Good evening
Kei te pēhea koe? How are you?
Kei to pai I’m fine


Ka kite anō See you!
Kua hoki au I’m off!
Hei konā rā Bye (said to the one leaving or one the
Hei konā rā Bye (said to the one staying)
Haere atu rā Bye (said to the one staying)
Hoki pai atu Safe return!


Ko ___________ tēnei This is ____________
Ko wai tōu ingoa? What is your name?
Ko____________ (name)
Nō hea koe? Where are you from?
Nō ___________ (place)
Me hongi tāua Let’s hongi

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