Before venturing out to Mexico we went to the laundro-mat…just likes the ones on TV (everything is like TV including the yellow school buses). We took a trolley (tram) to the border which took about 30 minutes. The border looks funny, baron on the USA side and then packed with houses on the other. To get into Mexico you simply walk over a bridge and then walk through the turnstyle! The people in Mexico are like the people in Thailand, but they speak Spanglish, "Check out my store senorita! Just take a look!) People try to see you photos with their ‘Mexican donkeys’, souveniers, sombreos and there were sooooooooo many pharmacies selling prescription drugs to foreigners. Oh and there were ‘sleep homes’ (puts on an accent). We only stayed in TJ for a couple hours, it’s only something you need to do once! Coming back into the USA was a lot more intense, you have to walk through airport-like customs. After Mexico we went to the shopping outlets, not quite as big as the ones in LA but still pretty good. I managed to buy 2 pairs of sketchers for US$35! About 90% of people at the outlets were speaking Spanish. People would even start talking to me in Spanish and they found it really hard to understand me…they looked at me like I was from a different planet. On the way back to downtown the trolley stopped for like an hour because there was an accident on the tracks. We had a very irritating woman talked to us the whole time. Her introduction was…*Simon playing on the camera* "WHAT ARE YOUUUUUUUUUUU DOING?!" and she parks next to Si.
After our massive day we had Mexican AGAIN in the Gas District.
Today we went back to an Apple store to try get his laptop fixed AGAIN…I love still being able to use the net on my iPhone. After we rushed to Seaworld. Seaworld was soooooooooo cool, a lot more laid back than Universal Studios because they’re not trying to sell you stuff. My favourite shows were the Seal ones and Whale one, the animals are just soo smart! We went on a couple rides and got SOAKED. The first one was sort of like a bumper boat thing that went through rapids. Si had his backpack with his laptop and we had our iPhones in it too. I guess it wasn’t as enjoyable because we were stressing about not getting stuff wet, ESPECIALLY when we went through a mini waterfall. Oh my days! After coming back to the hotel and having some downtime we walked around the shops in downtown and went out for Indian. I bought a wee Guess wristlet, dress and top…stuff converting all the time!!!